Beach Trip Tips

The good weather this weekend and the easing of restrictions meant that the boys and I could hop in the car and hit the road to get some beach time in lovely old Miltown Malbay; Spanish Point beach is our fave. My parents live 10 minutes away from there so we have become pro’s at…

Stages of the Playground

Playgrounds are something that don’t even enter your consciousness until you are about 9 months into parenting… and once you start going to them, they become a staple part of life. Most parents start bringing babies to playgrounds as soon as they can sit up any way competently… It sounds kinda crazy to bring a…

The Dark Side of Sensory Play

I am all for sensory play. Love it. So many benefits for small hands & young brains. There are brilliant ideas for it everywhere you look! And of course the children love it and get so much enjoyment & learning from it too. But there is a dark side to sensory play… you probably haven’t…

Sand & Water Tables; A Beginner’s Guide

If I was to make a list of essential items for keeping smallies busy, a sand & water table would be pretty high on that list… probably right up there at no.2… just below TV! When my eldest had just turned one, was up and walking and getting more high maintenance by the day, a…