
Eeeeeekkkk!! The shrill but infectious sound of over-excited thirty somethings reunited after an 18 month hiatus. “Are we hugging!? Oh go on, shur aren’t we sharing a room we might as well hug!“ They needed this more than they realised. “Right, we have three rooms, who’s with who?“ They pair off, bound for the lift,…

What Women Want

WHAT DO YOU WANT??!! A withered Ryan Gosling screams at his crazy-in-love other half… (probably the most relatable Ryan Gosling has ever been to most men…!) Mel Gibson also tried his hand at figuring this out on the big screen with amusing results… The million dollar question… what do women want? Well here’s what I…

Firefly Lane… a Feminist Feast

Netflix has yet again come up with the goods. Firefly Lane aired last week for the first time, a show that I saw previews for before Christmas & thought “Ooh! That looks like a nice show!” Well I was wrong. It was so much more than a nice show. It was amazing. So much more…

Heavy is the Head

The Queen. Her Majesty. Ma’am. A leader of people. A Head of Nations. And a mother. A guilty one. Never was Queen Elizabeth II more relatable than as she was portrayed in a new episode of The Crown. (No spoilers coming I promise!) The episode in question puts the spotlight on the Queen’s relationship with…

Eat Your Cake

Ok let me start this one by saying that it’s not actually about cake… sorry ladies! This is a piece for the working Moms, the badass women of the world who are earning a living AND raising a family. And no, I’m not giving any credit to the men on this one. This is a…

Where is He?

I read a piece from a fellow blogger today, and it got me thinking. It got me mad, but it also got me thinking! She wrote so well as she always does, this time about “filling your cup” and how her cup is empty. Like, not even a drop left at the bottom kinda empty….

Remembering the Repeal

Today marks two years since we made our voices heard on a national and international level. We succeeded in changing our Constitution again, for the benefit of all of our citizens. We Repealed the 8th Amendment. From a personal perspective, it was a campaign that overtook my daily life. It was all over news &…

Pick of the ‘Flix

Netflix is life. Watching live TV is rarely an option for me. I record various things & end up watching them 2 weeks later, back to back in order to catch up! Netflix is my go-to when it comes to watching what I want, when I want… aka around 10pm when I’ve had my fill…

Hypocritical Feminist?

The last couple of years has renewed attention to feminism & all that it encompasses. Movements born in Hollywood & raised by social media have shone a new light on the position and status of women in the modern world. So much has changed & is changing. And so much stays the same. I consider…

Old Friends Know

Old friends know you better than you know yourself. Old friends know your favourite things… your deep down favourite things. Old friends know all your guilty pleasures. Old friends know your most embarassing moment(s)! Old friends know how you dance after 10 drinks. Old friends know what shots NOT to buy you. Old friends know…

Spirit Lifters

These are some seriously dull times we are in at the moment. The struggle is very real. Home all day every day. No work, no school, no trips out, not even a browse around Dunnes! Two boys that cannot understand why we are not “going outside the gate”! It’s such a challenge to avoid getting…

Mom Friends; Sanity Savers

When you have kids, everything changes. But we all know this. We all heard about the impending doom for the entire six or more months that other people knew you were growing a tiny human. However, one part of my life that I hadn’t really anticipated any change in, was my friendships. I’m the person…